About the author method – Ternovska Tamara
Physician of Medical office of “Materinka” center Ternovska Tamara, 1956 year of birth in 1981 she graduated from Kyiv Medical Institute named after. Bohomoletsia, pediatric faculty.
She always actively studied and practiced alternative methods of treatment (cold water treatment and recovery by Tolkachev, Ivanov, unloading-dietary therapy by Bobryshev, Shatalov, accupunture reflex therapy Su-Jok, acupressure, breathing exercises by Buteyko, Strelnikov) and had positive results in the treatment of children with allergies, asthma, bronchopneumonia using cold water treatment, food by Bobryshev.
In 2001 he was specialized for general practitioner of family medicine. Health problems of patients of all ages became more familiar and understandable. She believes that the person can be healthy if she/he works in three areas:
1) Clear, cold water treat, train, properly nourish the physical body;
2) Strengthen mental health. It is necessary to learn to forgive yourself and others, no matter how difficult it is, wish only good to themselves and others;
3) Always keep your spiritual growth, feel unification with the nature, the Almighty. It must be remembered that the human – a child of the universe and its Creator constantly supports and highlights his love no matter who the person is and wherever she/he is, whatever she/he has done.
Since 1985 she is working on the issue of non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, due to the fact that this problem (varicose veins) affected her personally. She tied all known methods of unconventional treatments (herbal medicine, fasting, acupuncture- reflex therapy, exercises, breathing by Buteyko and so on). But complete cure was not observed.
After 18 years, i.e in 2003, the method of non-surgical treatment of varicose veins, which guarantee complete cure, was found. She was cured. Relatives, friends, colleagues also received healing. Observations during 7 years showed high effectiveness of this method.
After precise implementation of the recommendations by patients, rapid and effective treatment of varicose veins occur.
The method is absolutely harmless. The method is indicated for the treatment of varicose veins in any age.
If there is a desire to preserve existing venous vessels (as there are no extra organs and systems in the human body), the treatment of varicose veins should be performed using attenuated treatment preserving the vessel. This is a proprietary method of Tamara Ternovska.
The advantages of this method of treatment compared with other methods include:
a) treatment includes homeopathic medicines, compresses with herbs, medicinal solution comprising active oxygen, which is normally produced by cells of the immune system and is not harmful, but rather provides healing effect after introduction into human body;
b) T.O. Ternovska treatment of lower extremities varicose veins does not include turn off of vein or its separate area and preserve its function, which is especially important for patients and makes it possible to apply this method without age restrictions, and at the early stages of the disease.
The procedure takes an average of an hour (the number of sessions depends on each case) and allows immediate return to normal life.